Technology Class Rubric



Category 1 2 3 4

I make little or no effort  to share ideas to class  discussions 


I make some effort to  share ideas to class  discussions 


I make a good effort to  share ideas to class  discussions 


I always make a good  effort to share ideas to  class discussions 


Computer Knowledge

 I rarely or never  remember how to  maximize, minimize and  close windows.


 I rarely or never locate  programs and websites.


I rarely or never save  work in the correct class  folder.


I sometimes remember  how to maximize,  minimize and close  windows.


 I sometimes have  difficulty locating  programs and websites.


I sometimes save  work in the correct class  folder.

I usually remember how  to maximize, minimize  and close windows.

 I usually can locate  programs and websites.


I usually save work in the  correct class folder

I always know how to  maximize, minimize and  close windows.

I always locate programs  and websites.

 I always save work in the  correct class folder.


Use of Time I do not use class time to  focus on my classwork  and  I distract others.  I sometimes focus on  my classwork but  occasionally I distract  others.  I usually focus on my  classwork done and I  never distract others.  I always focus on my  classwork and I never  distracts others